Category Archives: Pattern Mixer Challenge

Pattern Mixer Challenge #15



Dear Tanglers!

How have the first few weeks of 2016 been for you? Have you had any snow where you are? We’ve hardly had any this winter. But then, when it’s icky and rainy out there’s all the more time for comfy tangling with a cup of hot chocolate. 🙂
Anyhow, I’ve picked something quite difficult for you this month, but I’m sure you can do it! Don’t give up!!

Continue reading Pattern Mixer Challenge #15

Pattern Mixer Challenge #14



Dear Tanglers!

Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with lots of good food and family and friends. We had a quiet but nice time.

For the new year I wish for lots of time for creativity. And I hope you will have the same, too! So lets get started right away!

Here in Germany we begin the new year with lots and lots of fireworks, so I’ve selected two patterns that remind me of fireworks.

Continue reading Pattern Mixer Challenge #14

Pattern Mixer Challenge #12



Dear Tanglers!

Goodness me! Where has the year gone? I can’t believe it’s November already! Time to stay inside with a nice cup of tea and tangle!! 🙂

So, just so you’ll be better prepared for the cold time of the year I’ve picked two patterns with “N” for November. One of which I use non-stop and the other I’ve never tried but always wanted to.  Continue reading Pattern Mixer Challenge #12