Schlagwort-Archive: Farbe

Weihnachten im August! Christmas in August!

Dear Tanglers!!

So my aunt and uncle from the States were here for a brief visit last week. And same as last time – I was sick! But besides that litte drawback it was a bit like Christmas, as my aunt brought me all theses Zentangley goodies:


In the picture from left to right are almost $200 worth of fabulous things: a Gelli Plate (for easy and fun printing), 100 sheets of protective sleeves that fit 6 Zentangle tiles each (or twelve, if you use the back, too), a box of 64 different GellyRoll pens (!), a set of Koi Watercolor Brush Pens, and a bunch of magnetic picture frames that will fit a tile perfectly (for my fridge)! Weihnachten im August! Christmas in August! weiterlesen